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Department of Samhita, Samskrita & Siddhanta (Fundamental Principles)
Department of Rachana Sharir (Anatomy)
Department of Kriya Sharir (Physiology)
Department of Dravyaguna (Materia Medica & Pharmacology)
Department of Rasashastra & Bhashajya Kalpana (latro-Chemistry)
Department of Rog Nidan (Pathology)
Department of Swasthavritta (Preventive & Social Medicine)
Department of Agada Tantra (Medical Jurisprudence & Toxicology)
Department of Prasuti Tantra Evam Striroga (Obstetrics & Gynecology)
Department of Kaumarabhritya (Pediatrics)
Department of Kayachikitsa (Internal Medicine)
Department of Shalakya Tantra (Surgery)
Department of Shalakya Tantra (Eye & ENT)
Department of Panchkarma (Penta Bio-Purification Methods)
SHES Soceity
Shri Hingulambika Education society was established in the year 1981 to provide education to the economically and socially weaker sections of the society. The society has well built independent buildings and infrastructure to the run the education institution. Since 1981 society is progressing and rendering the educational needs of the region.
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